One thing is certain – every software needs constant improvements and modifications. This is because if you want to develop your business, you must constantly “move forward” and improve the solutions offered. Over time, even the mechanisms that are generally known and used become insufficient.
I will use the example of contact forms and chats. After some time, the person operating them as an administrator notices the possibilities and even the need for changes that will allow for the provision of new information in an even better way. Most often, new functionalities are added first, such as interaction with the user or further analysis of collected data. Almost everyone comes to the conclusion that the form should not only record the information provided, but could also indicate a specific group and determine the potential recipient of such a message, etc. The chat would not have to work only when the recipient is available, but could attempt to communicate via artificial intelligence – the so-called . chat bot.
The ready-made solution is convenient in many respects. One of the biggest advantages of this option is immediate activation after purchase. All we need to do is configure them properly, enter the necessary parameters and we can work with our new software. This saves us weeks and sometimes even months of waiting for the product. Another advantage of ready-made solutions is the systematic implementation of improvements/updates (sometimes free, sometimes paid). Another advantage is the issue of testing. Previous users were already using the software, potential errors could have been caught and repairs included in subsequent updates. Moreover, full documentation and sometimes even how-to instructions are already available for these solutions.
A dedicated solution is software developed at the customer’s request. The process of developing dedicated software may take from weeks to several months. The cost of such software will also be high.
If dedicated solutions have disadvantages, why are they so popular? This is because of what they offer. In theory, such solutions meet all the customer’s needs, and the only limitations are time and budget. It is worth recalling the triangle rule, which defines: scope, cost, time – you cannot have all three elements at the appropriate level. If we want a wide range of functionality and quick implementation, the costs increase. On the other hand, if we want to keep costs and time in check, we have to sacrifice scope. It is also worth mentioning that there is a fourth variable: quality, but skimping on quality always ends badly. An important advantage is that there is no need to adapt your processes to a ready-made solution, but you can develop and implement your own, which affects the more efficient and better operation of your business.
Sometimes we are forced to choose a dedicated solution due to legal conditions (e.g. storing data/documents only in a secured internal network) or certain specific processes that must be ensured. Another reason may be integration with a specific system already operating in the company, which is not possible otherwise.
What do the contact forms at the beginning of this article have to do with this? If we think about the development of this simple tool, we will come to the conclusion that already at the stage of choosing a solution, it is worth considering that over time it may become insufficient – and what then? Will the ready-made solution allow us to improve it?
To sum up, if there is ready-to-use software that currently meets business expectations 100%, and as the company grows, it can be developed, and time and cost are key – it will be the best choice. However, if the solution does not allow for its development or is missing something from the beginning – it is worth considering a dedicated solution that guarantees unlimited modifications and expansion.
Sebastian Wąsik